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Culver Spine & Wellness


Phone (424) 228-4638
Address 4323 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230, United States,
culver city, CA 90230 United States


Consult the best chiropractor in Culver City - Dr. Mina Iskander to relieve your discomfort. He has worked effortlessly to perfect his craft over the past several years to optimize his patients' health. You can call to request an appointment. We also provide an online appointment form for a doctor’s consultation for all our patients. Our Services include: -Neck Pain Treatment -Exercise Rehab -Recovery from Gym Sessions -Auto Accidents/Personal Injury -Slip and Fall -Tune -Headaches -Jaw Pain -Midback Pain Treatment -Low Back Pain Treatment -Sciatica Treatment

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